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smp 08-01-2012 08:37 PM

Hello, is anyone here?

I am a new registered member here.

A user over on the Vintage Computer Forum told me that Grant Stockly was thinking of reviving things here.

I would be interested in purchasing an Altair 680 kit if one might be available.

I have been watching this site for quite a while, but nothing seems to be going on here, except spam messages.

If anyone is actually listening here, I would appreciate hearing from you.


Tor 08-02-2012 11:11 AM

Hi smp.

Yeah, it's quite overfilled with spam here, but hopefully that'll be handled at some point.
Grant has announced his intentions in this post:
He says he has about 8 of the 680 kits.
I'm in line for an 8800 kit and I was in touch with him - he said he would mail out order forms but it's been quiet for some time now, haven't heard anything more.


smp 08-02-2012 11:30 AM

Hi Tor,

Thanks for your reply!!!

Yes, I also found Grant's message from back on 6-8-2012 about re-starting sales. I have now sent him an e-mail message. I certainly hope that he answers, one way or another.

In the meantime, I am wading through all the SPAM messages here, trying to glean any information about the Altair 680 kit from before. I am especially interested to see any of the troubles that folks might have encountered, and how they addressed them. Of course, I am assuming that there once was a community here and folks were actually interacting about things like that.

Since you have been in touch with Grant, do you know if he intends to go on and create any of the accessories for the Altair 680 that he lists on the Altair 680 Kit web site? Just asking - since I see you are in line for an Altair 8800, you may not be paying too much attention to the '680.

Well, I really, really hope that one of those 8 '680s are still available, and that Grant is actually willing to sell it. Here's hoping for a good outcome for both of us!


Tor 08-02-2012 12:32 PM


I read through the little communication I have (PM and email), and no, there's nothing detailed in there so I don't know more than what was posted in the announcement.


smp 08-02-2012 01:41 PM

Thanks very much, again, for your attention and reply.
I'm glad to know that there's at least one other person watching and waiting here. :-)


smp 08-03-2012 11:33 AM

Well, I got all excited this morning. When I came here and looked at the 680 forum, it looked like someone had cleaned things up a bit. What a disappointment to find that some SPAMmer or SPAM-bot has added some drivel advertising clothing onto the end of a bunch of serious conversations, making it look like things are being re-vitalized.


Too bad. I am so disappointed that I came late to this party.


Grant Stockly 08-31-2012 08:54 PM


I think I found your e-mail and just sent an order form to you.

Please let me know if you didn't receive it.

smp 01-02-2016 07:26 PM

I'm Back!
Hello again,

I am *very* sorry that my finances were not able to comply with the opportunity to purchase the Altair 680 Replica back in 2012.

I am excited to see that things may be getting going again, and, once again, I'd like to purchase one Altair 680 kit, or assembled unit if it becomes available again.

Thanks very much for listening,


Grant Stockly 01-12-2016 10:56 AM

Don't worry, nothing happened in 2012 or 2013. I had many issues getting things started, but we're here! :)

smp 03-11-2016 04:37 PM

Is there any new status info?
Hello again, Grant,

It's been a couple of months since our last contact. I'm wondering if there is any new status information regarding the availability and price of an Altair 680 kit (or assembled and tested unit)?

Thanks very much. I am waiting with bated breath!


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